281 - 300 of 357 Results    -    Sorted By

Range of various Catalpas
2D: Catalpa
Travellers Palm (Ravenala 
Travellers Palm
4 seasonal variants of Crab Apple (genus Malus)
2D: Crab Apple
4 variants of Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
2D: Crape Myrtle
Dogwood; 4 variants with differing blossom.
2D: Dogwood
4 variants of Lombardy Poplar (Populus nigra 'Ital...
2D: Lombardy Poplar
Dwarf Juniper in both bonsai and normal sized vers...
Silver Birch (Betula pendula). 25ft (6m), in all 4...
Silver Birch
NPR Live Oak to match 3D model
2D: Live Oak NPR
Mature Date Palm
2D: Large date palm 01...
Mature Date Palm
2D: Large date palm 03...
Mature Date Palm. Approx 45ft / 15m
Date Palm 01
Small Date Palm
Date Palm 02
Photinia or Red Robin, Approx. 8ft / 2.5m high
2D: Photinia
NPR Live oak. Face Camera component
2D: Live oak 01
Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana); two models...
Live Oak
Mature Oak in Summer and Autumn foliage
Mature Oak
20ft Ginko biloba in various foliage.
Aleppo Pine. NPR. approx 30ft/10m high
2D: NPR Aleppo Pine
Aleppo Pine; Low Poly; approx 30ft high
Aleppo Pine

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