Blueline Sketch™ Style

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Description: Click on the preview image to open a larger version that better illustrates this style.

This style for SketchUp will make your model look like it was sketched with a blue 'no-print' pencil. Those of us old enough to have hand drafted will likely remember using 'no-print' pencils or leads. The style also adds subtle noise overlay looking like paper fibre.

Note it is recommended that this monochromatic style looks best with shadows turned on with Light=100 and Dark=50. Also note that with this style you will get more predicable results by doing screen captures instead of exporting from SketchUp.

If you like this style you might also enjoy FormFonts' blue-print styles.
Author: Ross Macintosh
  style  sketchy  blue  monochromatic  ffses  mmms 

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