Preliminary™ Style

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Description: Click on the preview image to open a larger version that better illustrates this style.

We all have had clients where we weren't completely confident they'd pay us for our work. This style adds a "Preliminary - For Approval" watermark to the background. You can use it to watermark your 'for review' images prior to payment. Once paid, give the client an unmarked version that they can use. With this style you can adjust the sky and ground colour as desired. You can also modify the watermark settings to adjust the size and how subtle it is. Adjusting the blend slider fully left will hide the watermark completely.

Using SketchUp 6's style 'mix' function the watermark can be combined with other styles.

If you like this style perhaps you'll also like this style with copyright watermark.
Author: Ross Macintosh
  style  copyright  watermarked 

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